Lot 614
An Exquisite Pair of Jadeite Double-hoop and Diamond Pendent Earrings
Est HK$2,500,000 - HK$3,000,000
Live Auction

• Pair of perfectly matched jadeite double-hoops, each hoop diameter approximately 18.97mm and thickness approximately 5.99mm
• Suspending from a diamond-set ear-hoop
• 18 karat white gold
• (Jadeite double-hoops) Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report, numbered KJ98741, dated 24 August 2018, Type A Jadeites, natural colour without any resin.
• 附 香港玉石鑑定中心 證書

‘Rarity lies in fine workmanship.’ This sentence is best used to describe the meticulousness of jadeite cutting and polishing. Contradictory to common belief, the finest jadeite specimens are carved into the simplest forms to accentuate their inherent qualities, such as bangles, cabochons and beads. The lack of complicated carvings means that even the tiniest flaw could be visible if the jadeite is not cut to perfection. Exceptional craftsmanship is therefore essential to exhibit the full potential of a jadeite material. Indeed, a lot of jadeite carvers spend their entire lives cutting and perfectionizing only one form of jadeite. Jadeite double hoops are regarded as some of the most precious forms of jadeite jewellery for three main reasons. First, the jadeite boulder from which it is carved must be of significant size and evenly coloured, in order to produce four hoops of decent thickness and ratio. Second, the material must be free from inclusions that could jeopardise the stability of two interlocking hoops. Third, the cutting and polishing of double hoops call for utmost prowess. Since both hoops are carved from a single material, it relies greatly on a carver’s understanding of three dimensional space and acute judgement to execute precise cutting on a boulder. The result should be two interlocking hoops that are free to rotate but with minimal gap in between. No mistake, not even a minor one, is tolerated in the entire process. On top of the afore-mentioned criteria, if a pair of double hoops is of rich imperial green colour, fine texture and excellent translucency, such a piece of jadeite jewellery is deemed highly collectible. Unfortunately, fine jadeite double hoops are rarely seen in the market nowadays due to a lack of top-quality boulders excavated in the past decade. Those of relatively good quality are often cut into products of higher profit margin, and the number of experienced carvers is also on the decrease. This current pair of earrings represents more than a rare occasion to acquire very fine jadeite jewellery, it also tells a tale of wisdom, as well as the importance to pass on tradition of excellent craftsmanship.

「功以巧而彌珍」,這句話用以形容翡翠的切割打磨最適合不過。傳統的翡翠飾物造型中,素來推崇簡約的圓滑拱面造型,品質超卓的材料更甚。雖然沒有複雜的雕工,但需知越簡單的設計越容易顯露出瑕疵,所以手鐲、蛋面、圓珠、板戒、翎管等其實十分考驗切匠的功力,雙環更加是當中的俵俵者。縱使工匠手上有再完美的料子,如果工藝不精,經驗稍欠,出來的成品不達標準還是其次,浪費了難得的大形石材才是可惜。 翡翠雙環之所以是極珍貴之物,原因有三。 第一,石材必須夠份量,色帶分佈平均。雙環固之然要成雙,耳環更要成對,所以最少要切出四個比例相約的圓環,材料若不夠份量,就切不出雙環。第二,石材不能有裂有綹。因為雙環相連互扣,亦需要有一定的厚度和尺寸才顯得飽滿圓潤,裂綹會影響到圓環結構的穏定,也影響雙環整體的呈現。第三,工匠必需藝能超卓,經驗老到。相連互扣的兩個環都出只一塊原石,要掌握的是三維空間的想像,非一般工匠所能應付。工匠要把兩環做成活的,但之間的縫隙又不能過大,四個圓不大不小,均勻完美,過程中不容許一絲的差錯。 如果除了上述幾點以外還能符合「色、種、水」三項翡翠的品質考量,令雙環在光線的照射下透現水潤的光澤和細密的質地,當屬絶頂稀有之翡翠珍品。此等珍品只會越見稀有,皆因近十年來開採到的翡翠原石有限,當中又少有具份量的高品質材料。此外,不排除當中許多原石都被切割成其他毛利更高的成品,藝技精湛的工匠亦人數漸少,當今要找到一對像此拍品的天然翡翠雙環吊耳環談何容易。如此彌足珍貴之寶物不但發映出人類絶頂的智慧,亦印證工藝傳承的重要精神。