The present bookshelf was designed by two of the most influential designers of the 20th century. It is primarily made from oak and oak-veneered wood, a durable material which gives the piece a sense of warmth, elegance, and timeless appeal. The glass doors of the cabinets in the middle section provide a notable contrast to the wooden frame, giving an element of transparency and lightness to the piece. This is further displayed through its construction on three levels, resulting in a beautiful combination of positive and negative space.
Charlotte Perriand and Pierre Jeanneret were two of the most important figures in the mid-century modern movement. Perriand was a French architect and designer, and one of the few women to be accepted into the male-dominated world of design during that time. She worked closely with Le Corbusier and was a pioneer in the use of new materials such as steel and aluminium in furniture design as well as a proponent of a pared-down aesthetic she discovered during her travels to Japan. Her trip there in the early 1940s was an eye-opening journey in developing a powerfully simple design language which she imbued in her creations of the following years. Similarly favouring minimalist projects and constructions, Jeanneret was a Swiss architect, painter and designer who worked alongside his cousin Le Corbusier.
In the design of this bookshelf with cabinets, we can see a true representation of the designers’ shared philosophy of simplicity and practicality. It is a simple yet well-thought-out design, created with the user in mind and providing ample storage space while making a statement within an interior. Together, Perriand and Jeanneret brought a new, modern aesthetic to the furniture design of their time, emphasizing the beauty of functionality and clean lines.
此書架由20世紀最具影響力的兩位設計師聯手創作。書架主要由橡木和橡木貼面製成,耐用的天然材料賦予了這件作品質樸典雅,經久不衰的魅力。中閒的玻璃櫃門與木質框架形成了顯著的對比,為作品增添透亮輕盈的元素。此作品透過三層儲物櫃重疊而成,從而在正負空間襯托下形成無與倫比的精巧組合。 夏洛特·貝里安和皮耶·尚納雷是中世紀現代主義的重要人物。貝里安是一位法國建築師和設計師,是當時少數進入男性主導設計領域的女性。她與勒·柯比意緊密共事,開創了家具設計中使用鋼鐵和鋁等新材料的先河,同時於40年代在日本之旅所發現的極簡美學之支持者,這種極簡的風格成為了她後期創作中的靈感。同樣鍾愛極簡主義項目和建築的尚納雷,是一位瑞士建築師、畫家和設計師,並與其堂兄勒·柯比意共事。 在這個具儲物櫃的書架設計中,我們可以看到兩位設計師所追求簡約與實用並存的美學。此拍品是一個簡單但經過深思熟慮的設計,是針對了使用者收納的需求,去提供充足的存儲空間外,更在室內裝潢中展現出古樸優雅之美。貝里安和尚納雷攜手為當時的家具設計帶來了一種創新的現代美學,並強調極簡與實用主義並存之美。